
                        As you all Know, February the 14th is St. Valentine's Day. It a holyday full of love and affection. But has anyone of you stoped his/her desperate search for love to ask himself/herself: "What is love?"? You should. I mean just think about it... what is this impulse that makes us feel so good when we have it, but so sad when we don't? I'll tell you what it is: it's a neurological, hormone-determined, process that is nothing more than our brains telling us that a particular person is one that it (the brain) considers fit to be our mate in a desperate attempt to procreate.

    Now, because I'm writing this you shouldn't think that I am a cold-hearted bastard that has never felt real love. Because I admit it: I have been in love once. And it made me feel great when I was around her, but really cold and abandoned when she wasn't around. So, now you might think: "ok, he has seen love and how great it is... What's his problem?" My problem is that most people don't see past the "dictatorship" of our neurological impulses. I mean it: our brain is a regular Adolf Hitler of our body. Not only does it command every muscular movement in our bodies (ok, that's a good thing)... but it also tricks us into doing things that it needs by making us enjoying them. For example: eating: when it needs glucose, lipids, proteins or vitamins it makes us hungry and it enhances the perception of certain sectors of our tongues to make us enjoy aliments that contain those things even more. It's the same thing with love: it needs to spread it's seeds so it makes us want that thing even more... as if enjoying sex wasn't enough.   

    Bio-chemically speaking, the same chemical reactions take place in our brains when we are in love as when we are eating a good chocolate. So love is like eating a lot of chocolate... only without the diabetes.

    So, in conclusion, be careful who you love and, more importantly, ask yourself "why?" !!


            Good Hunting!